TRANSILVANIA SUD LEA 110 kV Zizin modernisation – IABv – Metrom si LEA 110 kV Darste – IABv – Racadau by partial passage in LES 110 kV ABOUT THE PROJECT Coordination o [...]
Ploiesti Sud Transfer Station
dev_jinxit2022-07-10T15:31:17+03:00TRANSFER STATION PLOIESTI SUD Protection modernisation 110kV and integration in SCADA transfer station Ploiesti Sud ABOUT THE PROJECT Service 1 Coordination of site [...]
Distributie Energie Oltenia
dev_jinxit2022-07-10T13:38:03+03:00DISTRIBUȚIE ENERGIE OLTENIA Coordination of site services and related activities on the counties: Craiova, Teleorman, Olt, Mehedinti, Arges, Valcea, Gorj ABOUT THE PROJE [...]